Chef: „Riechen Sie<br />
etwa nach Bier?“<br />
<br />
Ich: „Bei dem Gehalt<br />
wird’s wohl kein<br />
Champagner sein.“


Weder noch. Einfach immer nur Wasser ! Kostet nicht so viel und der Körper verträgt es ziemlich gut ! Das beste Getränk auf Erden

Sollte ich morgen echt mal machen. Denke aber, das fällt gar nicht auf 🤔🫣

Wenigstens ehrlich

Oh, sympathie geschaffen, gehaltsverhandlung vom tisch, Willkommen, es ist montag. Ich verstecke mal eben meinen flachmann.

Y. Y. Y. Helms ?

B. ET hahhahahahahahah amkkkkkkk Du und ich ???

Tolle Community, Chancen und Ideen: 🥙 Mit Genuss zu mehr Wohlbefinden - Infos, Rezepte und Erfolge


Z. Z. Z. ????

D. Lokowski

X. Alwan

Amy Wîî

Manchmal muss man auf der Arbeit einfach Sprüche heraushauen, wenn sie eine Abmahnung wert sind, vor allem dann wenn man gleichzeitig unterschwellig noch eine Message dabei versenden kann. Allerdings sollte man es nicht überreizen ☝️ ... Es sei denn man hat im Falle einer Kündigung noch einen Plan B in petto 😁

E. Mikat

R. ?


J. Heinisch ???


Q. Braunschweig Q. Hodler Q. Q. Ama Stein Q. Steinwand


V. Nemec?

W. Fox

C. Butterhof ?

Z. ???

F. Höppner ????

T. ?

Bernecker G. ??

N. Wicher ??

F. Schliefnig ? ?

Tim Birkmeyer 🤪🤪🤪

Z. Z. ?

Z. Haskovic ?

B. Pertl B. MMeinhardt

C. Kiebler ???

Pier Re

My husband started spending a lot of time with his friends from childhood whom I had never met or heard of before. Sometime last month I just woke up and asked to see his phone to check the time. He handed it to me and it opened into WhatsApp, where I discovered he had been sending naked photos of himself to someone. When he realized he had handed me his unlocked phone, he pounced on me, snatched his phone back, and smashed it on the floor, but I had already seen it, As it turns out, he'd been chatting with someone but I decided not to question him. I wasn't sure how to react cause I didn't even get a chance to know who he was texting on the other end. I saw a touching story here of how a someone found out her husband was cheating, I decided to contact the hacker she recommended through a link she posted here, he cloned my husband's phone without physically touching it. All I did was send his phone number to him and through a remote link sent to my mail, I was able to access all of his texts, emails, Facebook and Instagram chats, real-time callistening and his long deleted messages as if the phone was physically with me after reading his chats I found out he was texting a younger woman in his office and it was clear that they regularly had sex, I have no idea how long he has been doing this cause they had developed an emotional connection. Perhaps, you are in a similar situation and you need help or you . + crave that extra teeny bit of closure, you can get in touch with him on Instaaram

mutig mutig, sehr mutig!


Werbegeschenk Ich habe mich mit dem Wow -Museum zusammengetan, um 2x einen Online -Familiengutschein im Wert von jeweils 72 (2 Erwachsene und bis zu 4 Kinder inklusive Kinder) zu verschenken ❤️

Werbegeschenk Ich habe mich mit dem Wow -Museum zusammengetan, um 2x einen Online -Familiengutschein im Wert von jeweils 72 (2 Erwachsene und bis zu 4 Kinder inklusive Kinder) zu verschenken ❤️

Made My Day

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